Behind the Scenes: Moves in the Fall

Behind the Scenes: Moves in the Fall

What is it like while we’re doing a move? We wanted to show some photos from one of our latest moves this fall, so you could see some of the behind the scenes of our work.

We make sure to bring the right size of truck to the job. Organizing neatly is important for us, so we try to make things fit together properly. We try to keep shelves together, and place vertical things with other vertical things. This makes it easy to find where things are, and also makes it easier to load and unload.

Some things need padding. We make sure to put padding on objects that could be prone to being scratched or getting damaged. This ensures that the client’s materials arrive at the new location in the proper condition.

Sometimes our clients are exceptionally nice and buy us food! What an amazing view to enjoy here along with some pizza. 🍕

This move took us about 4 hours to complete. Even with only 2 people, we can work very efficiently.

We will also post some videos of this move to our TikTok soon! Make sure to follow us there!

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